You Too Will Pass
More harder than no harder,
Missing you hour after hour.
Wishing out louder and louder,
Where are you, my lover?
This too will pass.
Sooner than later,
I will replace your face.
My heart will forever,
Erase you from its place.
You Too Will pass.
tears will flow.
tears that will dry.
tears that leave a mark,
on my face, on my faith.
Loving and Losing.
Living and Lieing.
Waching and Waiting.
Smiling and Laughing.
This too will pass.
You too will pass.
Misty Nights
I take off my lenses
Sink in a few more shots
A chaser usually follows
The world is beautiful
It really works wonders
Every girl an angel
Every guy the devil
I charm to save
This kingdom of angels
My prize, that heavenly smile
And all that follows
I blame on the liquor
Happiness is mine
Happiness is mine
In me and around me
I take the time to enjoy
Little things that life gifts.
Go chasing your own tails,
I will be right here
Enjoying the sunset
Sitting in my garden.
If I am travelling this trip
I choose the scenic road
I shall stop as I wish
I shall ride at my pace
My big future can wait
My future is nothing without me
I take the time to enjoy
Little things that life gifts.
My Hummingbird
Sweet is that sound,
Fast are those wings.
Fly my birdie, fly away from me
My Hummingbird , fly away from me
No matter how far
Your little wings take you
Away from your lover
My Hummingbird, you will never be
The flowers that know your sound
Wait for you to flutter around
Your garden of love, frozen
My Hummingbird, till you return
Oh my sweet summer bird
My beautiful feathered friend
Fly away from me
My Hummingbird , fly away from me
All that matters is none
I could just leave
Leave everything back
Turn off everything
Just stand up
Set down my guard
Remove all my masks
take one deep breath
swing my hands high
Walk into the clouds
Lighter than how i feel
Away from it all
All that matters is none
I just wanna leave
Really dont know where
The place I want to be go
Dont know if it exists
The person I want to be with
Dont know if she exists
No matter no more
Away from it all
All that matters is none
Business Of Life - Why Do We Write?
Business of Life - Indulge Yourself